Do I need a professional?

I hear this question from small business owners. Do I really need a professional accountant to help with my small business finances? Can I just hire an employee and you can train them? Can't my spouse just do the work?
My answer is, sure. They probably can. But I can't ensure it will be done correctly.
I've (Julia) been doing accounting and payroll since 2004. You learn some things over the years. You gain expertise in your trade and work with various software and systems and apps. You learn what works and what doesn't. You also learn how to work with various kinds of small businesses. From lash salons, to dog trainers, to manufacturers, to landscapers, drywall companies, insulation contractors, barber shops, blinds and window covering stores, restaurants, coffee shops, yoga studios, etc. You get the idea. They all need something different and you learn how to meet their needs.
You learn how to make sense of the numbers and make the numbers make sense to the owners so they can run their businesses with financial insight.
Over the years some large corporations come to you for advising on how to integrate their software with QuickBooks Online. You start working with companies like Square and other merchant processors to improve their reporting because they aren't accountants and don't know what accountants need.
My point comes down to this. Yes, I can train your office manager or spouse to run your bookkeeping system. That may be the best answer for your company. But often times you end up paying double or triple more for that employee to do the work that I can do much more quickly and accurately. At the end of the day, let's talk and see what works best for your specific business and situation.
I always offer a free consultation so what are you waiting for?